Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Life Lessons

Why is that learning some lessons is easier than learning others? It's easy to learn that if you touch a hot burner you will burn your hand, so don't do it again. Other lessons in life are much more difficult to learn. You've heard the definition of insanity a million times, I'm sure, but here it is again. Insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. Well, by definition, I am insane. I do (or in some cases don't do what I should do) the same things over and over again and get frustrated with myself when the results are the same. HELLO!!!! Wake up!!! If you want lasting change, you have to do what brings about lasting change. Lasting change doesn't come by your own strength, it comes from Christ and seeking Christ's face, digging into God's word and talking to him regularly. Why then do I seek God for some things and try unsuccessfully to do other things on my own and then get mad when it doesn't work. That's just plain stupidity! ;)
Today, I'm vowing to stop being stupid and insane! :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Memory Lane

Well, we went back to Marion and IWU for the first time since we graduated in 1999. What a difference nine years can make!! The campus was so different. It was beautiful but different. Marion hasn't changed a bit, other than IWU.
It was really fun do drive around and show the kids our first apartment, where we met, where we had our first kiss, etc. They could have cared less!! I said, "You better care because if it wasn't for this place, you wouldn't be here!!!!!!" They still didn't care.

We saw some old friends and professors and we had a great family weekend away. It was nice to escape the drama that has been happening in OH.

Still no job news except that the church we were looking at in Columbus has given us the negative. That's ok though because it is in an expensive part of town that we couldn't afford to live in and it wouldn't have been a real practical place for us anyway. I'll keep you informed of anything new.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My New Blog

Welcome to my new blog!!! I decided to create a new one using my gmail account since my old one was under an email address I don't use anymore. So here is the new one. I will do my best to update it more often than the old one.

The current news in my life is that fact that I am searching for a new job. Currently I am working for Capital City Accounting doing payrolls, etc, but I am seeking to re-enter the world of children's ministry in a full-time capacity.

As of now I have two leads, one of which is here in the Columbus area, which brings about mixed emotions about staying in this area, and the other is in Kalamazoo, MI. Please be praying for these opportunities and that God would give Kendra and I wisdom to know exactly where he wants us to be and when.

Please also pray for our kids in this time of transition. School transitions aren't the difficult part, as we homeschool, but the kids have really enjoyed living so close to our families and aren't keen on the idea of leaving the area. Please pray that if God chooses to move us away from here that the kids will adjust well. We have talked to them about going where God wants us to go, just like Jonah and that it is important for us to be in the center of his will. After all, look what happened to Jonah when he ran from God!!! Of course we told them we wouldn't be swallowed by a whale, but that it is important for us to go where God wants us to and that he will provide friends for us there just like he did here.

At any rate, pray for us and for God's will and timing. Our timing would be ASAP, but we are trying to be patient and wait on the Lord.