Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Out of the mouth of Babes!!!!

Just a quick story to make you laugh (I hope). In our house, we are all VERY pro-life. This is an issue we feel strongly about, but we don't discuss it in front of the kids. We just don't want them to learn about it at such a young age. BUT, somehow Ava has learned that one candidate is for "killing babies."
Last night, we were in the car and we hear from the backseat, "Hey Lukas, do you know what I'm going to call the president that wants to kill babies? Stupid-head!!" We couldn't help but bust out laughing! Probably not our best parenting moment, especially since stupid isn't a word she is aloud to use.
Oh, the things that girl comes up with!!!

I voted today. It felt great to do my part in determining the direction of our country. This election has taught me a lot about what I truly believe and stand for and what I don't. For that I am grateful. I just can't wait for this day to be over so we can finally know who has won (unless we have a repeat of 2000, which I hope is not the case).

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