Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Please Pray

Well, things here are quite interesting at the moment. Things at work leave a lot to be desired. I am really struggling with the way things are going here. I know that I need to get out of here, but I am awaiting God's timing. Kendra and I REALLY want to be back into full-time ministry, but we are searching for just the right opportunity to be sent our way by God. There are many things to take into consideration. While we will go wherever God wants us to go, we would like to stay within a days drive of family.
We also have to take into account the fact that we would have to take a pay cut for this to happen. We understand this and we are fully intending (and have already started) to pair down the budget. We know that God has called us to be a homeschooling family, which means that Kendra needs to be home with the kids, not out working. So, my salary needs to support us.
I am quite excited about some of the possibilities there are right now. One church in wants me to come in for an interview (but it sounds like they are doing other interviews in the same week, so it isn't like this will be the last step from what I can tell.) I sent my resume to another church today and I have already heard back from them. They want to set up a time to have an initial conversation via phone! That makes me feel really good.
So, please pray for wisdom and guidance in these times and pray that we will recognize God's timing in all things. Please pray for patience for me in this situation at work. I really need it.
Thank you all for reading my blog and for praying for my family. Yor prayers are highly appreciated!!!


Amy said...
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Amy said...

I'm praying, Eric.