Here I sit pondering thoughts that I haven't been able to get out of my head all morning, and even for weeks, maybe even months. I have sat by and listened (or read) as things I have posted on Facebook that had nothing to do with hatred or intolerance were attacked, and so were my beliefs.
I am fed up with people calling evangelical Christians intolerant people filled and motivated by hate just because we stand up for what the BIBLE says is right and not what the world says is right. I'm fed up with being told that I have to be tolerant of things I do not believe in or that God believes is wrong and while every other religion in the world is "tolerated" but mine is pushed aside and not "tolerated." Let's take a look at the definition of tolerate. According to tolerate means "to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit; and to put up with." As far as I can see, Christians have been pretty tolerant of the sins of America while our freedoms and our beliefs are slowly removed from our country. THAT, my friends is INTOLERANCE!!!
I'm FED UP with being told that I am a hypocrite for being pro-life and supporting the war, like I don't value the lives of the men and women who CHOSE to give their lives for the freedoms we enjoy in this country and so that other people around the world can have those same freedoms and to prevent hundreds of thousands from being slaughtered by ruthless dictators. WMDs aside, that is enough to take out someone like Saddam Hussein! I'm fed up with people telling me that I don't care about lives in Darfur and other places like that where horrible violence is taking place. Darn right I care, and I think our country needs to step in there as well.
I'm fed up with hearing about the fact that over 4000 men and women who HONORABLY GAVE their lives for the people of Iraq and the US over the last 7 years while the truly intolerant flat out ignore the 16.000+ murders that TOOK lives of people INVOLUNTARILY in our own country in 2007 alone!
I'm fed up with being told that because I believe that God clearly states in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong (Leviticus 18:22 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.; Romans 1:27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.) that I am intolerant and hateful. True Christians do not hat anyone. They love the people and hate their actions. There is a difference. I have known plenty of gay people in my life and I don't hate a single one of them. I love them all. I do not believe their actions are ok, but I don't hate them. God knows I've done plenty of things that are not honorable to God. I'm not perfect! That makes me human. I have free will to do whatever I choose. God gave me that free will with the hopes that I will choose Him. That's the great thing about God. He didn't make us robots and program us with all of our thoughts and actions ahead of time. He programmed us for worship, and we choose what or who we are going to worship. Some choose money, some lust. I choose God. The creator of all life.
Which brings me to my next thing I am fed up with. I'm fed up with being told that I am an idiot and naive because I believe in a 6 day creation. Come on! Can you actually tell me that it takes more faith to believe that, God aside, an intelligent being created the universe and everything in it than it does that it randomly happened from things that dust that was in the atmosphere? Where did that dust come from? Take a look at the world and everything that is in it. Look at all of the animals and people and plants. Look at all of the intricacies of it all. The differences (some drastic) in them. It takes more faith for me to believe that all of that came from one single cell (which had to come from somewhere, by the way) than it does for me to believe that there is an intelligent being out there that created it all!
If you can't tell, I'm a little bit passionate about all of this, and I have sat silent for WAY too long and listened to the intolerance against the people of God and I am FED UP!!!!!!!!!
Still Growing…
13 years ago